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Every child, every chance: Teach For Australia’s Giving Day

Teach For Australia Wednesday, October 20th, 2021

Despite our prosperity, Australia’s education system is one of the most inequitable in the developed world. The postcode you’re born in can radically impact your future, determining the type of education you get to access. And without a quality education, our young people get left behind – set up for lives of disadvantage instead of lives of opportunity.

In the wake of COVID-19 – the greatest challenge to our communities in living memory – Australia’s most marginalised, disadvantaged and vulnerable students need our support more than ever. Those who were already at risk of falling between the gaps now face an even more uncertain future.

It’s not their choice, and it isn’t their fault.

We’re determined to give all students the education they deserve that changes lives. But we know we can’t do it alone. Our mission is a movement: and together we can make a vision of a stronger and fairer nation a reality.

That’s why on Thursday 28 October – on the eve of World Teacher Day in Australia – we’ll be holding our annual Giving Day.

Every Child, Every Chance is a 12-hour fundraising sprint to raise donations that help us keep recruiting, training, placing and supporting new generations of teachers for thousands of students in need.

The campaign will run live from 8am to 8pm AEST at https://www.charidy.com/teachforaustralia – but early donations can be made right now.


As part of the Day, we’ve secured a very special partnership with the TDM Foundation. For every contribution up to the target, they’ve pledged to match and multiply the donation: meaning every gift goes much further. $10 effectively becomes $20; a gift of $50 becomes $100!

All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Our next generations deserve Australia’s best and brightest to guide them: and you can help make that happen.

Together we can create an Australia where education gives all children, regardless of background or circumstance, greater choice for their future –and create a healthy, happy and prosperous future for all.

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