
Frequently asked questions

Leadership Development Program

What is the Leadership Development Program?

Over two years, you will:

  • Teach at a school serving a low socioeconomic community, with full salary and benefits.
  • Earn a Master of Teaching (Secondary) (Leading Learning) through ACU on an assisted scholarship.
  • Receive one-on-one coaching and mentoring to accelerate personal, professional, and academic growth.

For more information, email apply@teachforaustralia.org.

Are some subject areas more in demand than others?

Yes! Australia suffers from the greatest shortage of teachers in areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics—with maths and physics the most in-demand teaching subjects in schools. If you are qualified to teach a humanities subject, there is less demand. If you have humanities learning areas, we strongly recommend you speak to our Recruitment team about your regional flexibility and potentially upskilling (which is easier than you think!).


Do you just teach secondary students, or is it primary school too?

We currently only place our Associates in secondary schools.

How are people selected?

We look for well-rounded and passionate individuals who have the qualities to create change, inside the classroom and beyond. We are looking for your ability to demonstrate the following eight competencies, which are based on evidence of effectiveness in the classroom: (1) Leadership and achievement, (2) Commitment to our vision and mission, (3) Communication and influencing ability, (4) Problem solving, (5) Organisational and planning ability, (6) Resilience, (7) Humility, respect and empathy, (8) Learning and self-evaluation.

How can I find out more?

Please email apply@teachforaustralia.org or register for one of our upcoming events.

How do I know if I’m eligible?

Before you apply for the Leadership Development Program, you’ll have to meet four conditions and be:

  1. An Australian citizen or Permanent Resident at time of applying. (New Zealand citizens must have Australian Permanent Residency at the time of applying)
  2. Qualified at a Bachelor degree level in a discipline other than teaching by end of the year you apply in
  3. Willing to accept a placement within the state or territory chosen for you
  4. Able to enroll in at least two learning areas (you can learn more about these requirements here or contact a Recruitment and Advocacy Manager.)

What are learning areas?

Learning areas are the subject areas you are eligible to teach in based on your prior academic study.

Find out more about learning area requirements here.

Where will I be placed?

We place Associates exclusively in schools serving low socioeconomic communities, working in the areas that need the most support. We currently operate in Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, the Northern Territory, and South Australia. If you receive an offer to join the program, you’ll be invited to share your location preferences with us. The more flexible you are, the more likely you are to be placed.

After the program, am I still eligible to teach?

Yes. After completion of the two-year program, you’ll receive a nationally accredited teaching qualification. You can teach throughout Australia, in secondary schools, as well as many countries overseas


Future Leaders Program

Am I eligible?

To be eligible, you must be a K-12 educator who:

  • Has at least two years of teaching experience;
  • Works in a rural, regional or remote school in one of our partner jurisdictions (refer to our ‘Eligibility’ section above for current partner jurisdictions), with an ICSEA* below 1000; and
  • Aspires towards a school leadership role or
  • Is in a position of leadership and is seeking to grow your skills
  • If you have finished the Teach For Australia Leadership Development Program, you are also eligible for the program.

All applications are based on a case-by-case basis. If you are interested in the program but are concerned about your eligibility, please get in touch so we can discuss your situation further. We are looking to grow our impact, so if you are not based in one of our current program jurisdictions but think you would be eligible to apply otherwise, please email info@futureleadersprogram.org.au or give us a call at +61 3 8640 4500!

Can I see the program overview?

The program is currently in the final design phase. The leadership framework and program sequence will be available at the end of November.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

We’d love to hear from you! Please reach out to us at info@futureleadersprogram.org.au or give us a call at +61 3 8640 4500 and a member of our team will be in touch.

I have a holiday booked over one of the Future Leader Program intensives. Can I still apply?

To successfully complete Future Leaders Program we we require you to attend at least eight of nine workshop days – this is because this where a lot of the learning takes place, as well as the opportunity to apply it with the Future Leaders Program team and the rest of your cohort.

We understand that life happens and will support you the best we can but if you know you’ll be away one of our intensives and you can’t reschedule your holiday plans (we recognise that taking a break is important too!) we recommend that you hold off and consider applying for our next cohort instead.

Is the selection process competitive?

The selection process is a diagnostic process not a competitive one. We use the activities to get an understanding of your current ability and skills. We then use the results to tailor your experience and coaching in the program. Therefore we encourage you to be honest and open in your responses.

Is this program right for me?

The FLP is designed to support educators in Remote, Rural, and Regional (RRR) schools who are looking to take that next step in their careers. The program works to develop their leadership skills and capabilities to improve all students’ experiences and create more inclusive and equitable learning opportunities.

The program:

  • Provides access to relevant and applicable professional learning for aspirant and emerging leaders working in RRR contexts
  • Grows the leadership capacity of educators and helps them to build on the strengths of their students, school, and community.
  • Improves student access to high-quality teaching and learning that supports inclusive and equitable learning environments.

If you’re still unsure whether this program is right for you, please get in touch at info@futureleadersprogram.org.au or call +61 3 8640 4500.

On the application form you asked for a series of lesson plans, what must be included?

We are looking at what you think about when you plan your lessons.

We understand as you become more experienced, your physical plans become less detailed.

Please ensure the information you attach covers the goal of your lessons, the activities your students will participate in and any assessments you conduct during the lesson.

If you would like to discuss this further please email info@futureleadersprogram.org.au

What does the program consist of?

The program has been designed to be rigorous, not onerous. We aim for participants’ experience to align closely with their day-to-day activities and develop priorities that complement the work for which they are responsible.

FLP consists of targeted workshops, peer learning, online learning modules, and 1-1 leadership coaching from a leadership expert. These structures aim to develop the skills leaders need to support positive student experiences and equitable outcomes. Participants will be equipped to practice and apply their learnings in their current roles.

The nine days of interactive workshops are spread throughout the program (delivered in three parts across the year) and occur largely during school holidays and weekends to minimise time out of school.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn face-to-face and virtually (in both synchronous and asynchronous environments).

As part of the FLP, participants will set a personal leadership goal aligned to our theory of leadership. Participants will work towards this goal throughout the year with support from their leadership coach.

Participants will also lead an Innovation Project in their schools/communities that focus on improving student experiences. This project will align with the participants’ roles and their schools’ priorities. The project is designed to be part of what participants already do rather than an extra piece of work.

What is the cost of the Future Leaders Program?

Participants for the 2023 Cohort will be offered a full scholarship, therefore will incur no costs to partake. Any travel required will be covered by the program itself.

For schools a stipend is available to help cover the cost of up to two days of time release needed for face to face workshops.

When do applications open?

Applications for Cohort 2024 will open soon. To keep up to date about when the Future Leaders Program applications will open, register your interest here.

When does the program begin?

The program runs for the duration of the academic year. During the first term, we will hold events virtually so that you can immerse yourself in the school year. We’ll come together throughout the year for our intensive workshop blocks, which will run as a mix of face-to-face, virtual and hybrid workshop days. There will also be live and self-directed online modules.

Please email info@futureleadersprogram.org.au or give us a call at +61 3 8640 4500 if you’d like to gain a more in-depth understanding of the program journey and touchpoints.

Why is this program offered exclusively to schools in outer regional and remote locations?

Schools in regional, rural and remote (RRR) communities face unique demands, such as limited access to support services and challenges in attracting and retaining staff. In these schools, the pipeline of ready school leaders is declining. We also know the strength and resilience of these communities, full of rich culture, knowledge, and ways of being.

Communities with so much to celebrate and that the education system has so much to learn from.

The Future Leaders Program (FLP) tests a new approach to these challenges by fostering the ambitions and potential of participating educators and developing their skills and aptitude for the challenging and rewarding roles of school leadership.

We aim to build and strengthen partnerships with other RRR communities and territories in the future so that we can expand FLP’s reach and impact.

Why does my principal have to endorse my application?

Ongoing support is critical to ensuring participants and schools gain the most from the Future Leaders Program. It is important that you apply with your principal’s support as the program contains an element of time release that your principal must agree too. Additionally, your principal will also need to provide consent and commit to supporting you to lead an Innovation Project in your school where you apply your learning whilst working towards your school’s priorities.

Why does the Future Leaders Program exist?

The Australian education system is struggling to provide an excellent and equitable education for all young people.

We know that Remote, Rural, and Regional (RRR) schools are uniquely impacted by the breadth of demands placed on school leaders in these locations, such as the limited access to support services and the challenges of attracting and retaining staff. We also recognise and celebrate the strength and resilience of these communities, full of rich culture, knowledge, and ways of being. Communities with so much to celebrate and the education system has so much to learn from.

In response to these challenges, the FLP was announced as part of the Australian Government’s ‘Our Plan for Quality Education’ released on 10 May 2019. It is delivered with the support of the Australian Government Department of Education.

FLP is designed to meet the needs of educators in regional and remote contexts by building on their strengths and developing crucial skills to help schools thrive.

For more information, email info@futureleadersprogram.org.au.

What will be expected of me during the one-year program?

The FLP is recognised as professional development in all states and territories. As such, it is a requirement that participants are able to attend and participate in programmatic requirements including

  • Nine intensive learning days, delivered in three parts across the academic year
  • 1:1 leadership coaching sessions
  • Peer learning opportunities
  • Asynchronous learning modules

It is also a requirement of the program that participants complete and submit evidence of their learning and attend an end-of-program Expo event, during which they will have the opportunity to share their learning with relevant stakeholders and members of their own school communities.

Each participant is expected to commit approximately 150 hours to complete the various components during the program, including those listed above. The 150 hours is comprised of 70 hours of learning across the nine workshop days, and an average of two hours of engagement per week throughout the school year.

Jobs at Teach For Australia

I have a few questions about the role I’m interested in – what’s the best way to get in touch with you?

For all enquiries, please contact our jobs inbox at jobs@teachforaustralia.org with your query. It’s monitored frequently, we will usually get back to you within 24 hours.