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What is the Leadership Development Program?

Over two years, you will:

  • Teach at a school serving a low socioeconomic community, with full salary and benefits.
  • Earn a Master of Teaching (Secondary) (Leading Learning) through ACU on an assisted scholarship.
  • Receive one-on-one coaching and mentoring to accelerate personal, professional, and academic growth.

For more information, email apply@teachforaustralia.org.

Why does the Future Leaders Program exist?

The Australian education system is struggling to provide an excellent and equitable education for all young people.

We know that Remote, Rural, and Regional (RRR) schools are uniquely impacted by the breadth of demands placed on school leaders in these locations, such as the limited access to support services and the challenges of attracting and retaining staff. We also recognise and celebrate the strength and resilience of these communities, full of rich culture, knowledge, and ways of being. Communities with so much to celebrate and the education system has so much to learn from.

In response to these challenges, the FLP was announced as part of the Australian Government’s ‘Our Plan for Quality Education’ released on 10 May 2019. It is delivered with the support of the Australian Government Department of Education.

FLP is designed to meet the needs of educators in regional and remote contexts by building on their strengths and developing crucial skills to help schools thrive.

For more information, email info@futureleadersprogram.org.au.

Get in touch.

For all enquiries, please use the relevant contacts or give us a call.

Address: Level 4, 454 Queen Street
Melbourne 3000

ABN: 27 133 833 762

Provide Feedback

We’re committed to providing multiple channels for individuals to provide feedback in relation to individuals representing Teach For Australia and/or Teach For Australia’s operations, including the Leadership Development Program (delivered as part of the High Achieving Teachers Program with the support of the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment).

For full details on Teach For Australia feedback and complaints process, you can read our Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedure. This document includes a “Grievance Lodgement Form”, which is an optional tool to support individuals in structuring their feedback.

Channels for providing feedback include:

Teach For Australia

Directly, with relevant individual/s for whom they have the feedback.

Teach For Australia via email: feedback@teachforaustralia.org

Department of Education

Mail: GPO Box 9880, Canberra ACT 2601

Phone: 1300 566 046

Online: https://www.education.gov.au/feedback-and-enquiry-form