
Media Resources

Media Contact

Phone: +61 3 8640 4500
Email: media@teachforaustralia.org

Welcome to Teach For Australia’s media resource page.

The contact points and information here are for journalists and newsrooms.

For general enquiries, including program recruitment information, please refer to the Contact us page.

TFA welcomes the opportunity to work with media to spotlight the inspiring efforts of students and teachers in schools across Australia. We seek to bring attention to educational inequity issues, and to celebrate the dedicated work happening in schools every day to challenge and overcome these issues for the students we serve.

Teach For Australia’s CEO Melodie Potts Rosevear is available for media interviews and appearances on request. Program leads and State/Territory managers may also be available.

With sufficient notice and school permissions, the TFA media team can facilitate interviews with teachers who are current and past TFA program participants, subject to their class schedules and availability.

Media Kit Downloads