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What is Educational Inequity?
February 2024
07:00 - 08:30 PM AEDT
Online Event
Join us for an informative webinar where we talk about how your postcode can determine the type of education you have access to.

What is educational inequity and why should you care?

Did you know the postcode you grow up in can determine the type of education you have access to? Too many young people are left behind; set up for lives of disadvantage instead of lives of opportunity. It’s not their choice and it isn’t their fault. Together we can do something about it.

Join us for an informative webinar featuring a passionate panel of speakers committed to the cause of educational equity. Gain valuable insights from Teach For Australia alumni, staff and the Program Director of In2science as they discuss why this cause is so important for Australia’s future.

Limited spaces available; ensure your spot by registering now.

Unable to Attend? Contact events@teachforaustralia.org to ask about the recording of the event. All personal information is handled in accordance with our privacy policy.

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