Future Leaders Program

Future Leaders Program supports young leaders in education

Wednesday, November 1st, 2023

Jamie Higgott knows a thing or two about the incredible beauty, strong sense of community, and opportunities for adventure that Western Australia has to offer – and aspires to become a young leader in her much-loved community.

Jamie relocated to Newman, in WA’s Pilbara region, after graduating university in 2018 – and it captured her heart. She is now Teacher in Charge for Health and Physical Education at Newman Senior High School.

Jamie was inspired to become a teacher by her own high school experience and is now building on her knowledge, skills and capabilities through Teach For Australia’s Future Leaders Program.

“My teachers at school were able to bring out skills in myself that I didn’t know I had, such as leadership and confidence. Those teachers inspired me to want to do the same for other students,” Jamie said.

“Last year, a colleague completed the Future Leaders Program, and I witnessed her develop and improve her practice. I also wanted to get out of my comfort zone and aspire to one day be a Head of Learning Area, so this program is perfect for that.”

Relevant and meaningful content

Jamie started the Future Leaders Program in Term 1 2023 and is due to complete the program in November 2023. Fellows are assigned a leadership coach who works with them on an individual basis throughout the program, which is specifically designed for educators working in regional, rural and very remote contexts.

“I love how all of the content we have learnt is all relevant for aspiring leaders and we actually get a chance to use this knowledge and put it into practice straight away. The skills are meaningful, and we have loads of opportunities to discuss with our Fellows and coach,” Jamie said.

“What we learn is all tailored to the rural, regional and remote context. Lots of the content links to the Two Way Teaching and Learning Framework and cultural competency. The professional learning is very inclusive and pays respects to First Nations people.

“Having a coach is amazing – it is so great to be able to bounce ideas off him, ask questions and consolidate our learning. It’s great that all the coaches have had experience in leadership and can give advice and opinions on certain things. I feel supported with a coach, and I know that my relationship with him won’t stop after this program.”

Building a community of leaders

Fellows also build a strong support network of peers and like-minded individuals from WA, the Northern Territory and Queensland who also teach in regional, remote and very remote contexts.

“Newman is known as ‘The Heart of the Pilbara.’ We are a mining town with the largest open-cut iron ore mine in the world. The community is friendly and welcoming and there is heaps to do in town, especially sport! Newman is surrounded by beautiful water holes and loads of places to go camping and 4WD.

“I definitely feel a connection to the other Fellows in the program, especially those in the Pilbara.

“I love the sense of community in remote Western Australia. You feel like you belong and are included in something.”

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